11.3 fri. to 11.5 sun.

簡妙如 / Miaoju Jian


14:10pm - 14:50pm
. 15 Years of Popular Music Policy: How Artists Have Been Impacted


Miaoju Jian is Professor of Communication at National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi, Taiwan. Her research interests have covered topics from the culture and political economy of reality TV programs to indie-music scenes and DIY culture in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and East Asia. Her Chinese articles include “Music as the Civil Rights to Culture: A Historical Review and Critique of Taiwan’s Popular Music Policies”(2012), “The power of DIY production: Indie music in Taiwan”(2013). Her English publications include “The legendary live venues and the changing music scenes in Taipei and Beijing: Underworld and D22” (2017), “The survival struggle and resistant politics of a DIY music career in East Asia: Case studies of China and Taiwan” (2018) and “How Taiwanese Indie Music Embraces the World” (2020).

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